Any single non-zero vector/number \(x\) in \(\IR^1\) spans \(\IR^1\text{,}\) since \(\IR^1=\setBuilder{cx}{c\in\IR}\text{.}\)
Figure1.An \(\IR^1\) vector
Activity 2.3.2 (~5 min)
How many vectors are required to span \(\IR^2\text{?}\) Sketch a drawing in the \(xy\) plane to support your answer.
Figure2.The \(xy\) plane \(\IR^2\)
\(\displaystyle 1\)
\(\displaystyle 2\)
\(\displaystyle 3\)
\(\displaystyle 4\)
Infinitely Many
Activity 2.3.3 (~5 min)
How many vectors are required to span \(\IR^3\text{?}\)
Figure3.\(\IR^3\) space
\(\displaystyle 1\)
\(\displaystyle 2\)
\(\displaystyle 3\)
\(\displaystyle 4\)
Infinitely Many
Fact 2.3.4
At least \(n\) vectors are required to span \(\IR^n\text{.}\)
Figure4.Failed attempts to span \(\IR^n\) by \(<n\) vectors
Activity 2.3.5 (~15 min)
Choose any vector \(\left[\begin{array}{c}\unknown\\\unknown\\\unknown\end{array}\right]\) in \(\IR^3\) that is not in \(\vspan\left\{\left[\begin{array}{c}1\\-1\\0\end{array}\right],
\left[\begin{array}{c}-2\\0\\1\end{array}\right]\right\}\) by using technology to verify that \(\RREF
\text{.}\) (Why does this work?)
Fact 2.3.6
The set \(\{\vec v_1,\dots,\vec v_m\}\) fails to span all of \(\IR^n\) exactly when the vector equation
\text{for some choice of vector} \left[\begin{array}{c} a \\ b \\ c \end{array}\right] \text{.}
Activity 2.3.7 (~5 min)
Consider the set of vectors \(S=\left\{
\right\}\) and the question “Does \(\IR^4=\vspan S\text{?}\)”
Part 1.
Rewrite this question in terms of the solutions to a vector equation.
Activity 2.3.7 (~5 min)
Consider the set of vectors \(S=\left\{
\right\}\) and the question “Does \(\IR^4=\vspan S\text{?}\)”
Part 2.
Answer your new question, and use this to answer the original question.
and the question “Does \(M_{2,2} = \vspan S\text{?}\)”
Part 2.
Answer your new question, and use this to answer the original question.
Activity 2.3.10 (~5 min)
Let \(\vec{v}_1, \vec{v}_2, \vec{v}_3 \in \IR^7\) be three vectors, and suppose \(\vec{w}\) is another vector with \(\vec{w} \in \vspan \left\{ \vec{v}_1, \vec{v}_2, \vec{v}_3 \right\}\text{.}\) What can you conclude about \(\vspan \left\{ \vec{w}, \vec{v}_1, \vec{v}_2, \vec{v}_3 \right\} \text{?}\)
\(\vspan \left\{ \vec{w}, \vec{v}_1, \vec{v}_2, \vec{v}_3 \right\} \) is larger than \(\vspan \left\{ \vec{v}_1, \vec{v}_2, \vec{v}_3 \right\} \text{.}\)